Text Sermons
What Are We Doing Here? The Covenant Practice of Intentional Worship
Epiphany 5 2 February 2025 Vineville Baptist Church Macon, Georgia Gregory Pope WHAT ARE WE DOING HERE? THE COVENANT PRACTICE OF INTENTIONAL WORSHIP Series: Life Together in Covenant Community Isaiah 6:1-8. Romans 12:1-8...
A Tale of Two Cathedrals: The Covenant Practice of Christlike Formation
Epiphany 4 26 January 2025 Vineville Baptist Church Macon, Georgia W. Gregory Pope A TALE OF TWO CATHEDRALS: THE COVENANT PRACTICE OF CHRISTLIKE FORMATION Series: Life Together in Covenant Community Micah 6.6-8. Galatians 5.18-23 Mark...
A Dog-Eared Page
If you ask a group of children a question in Sunday School and no one knows the answer, there is a 75% chance that someone will holler out ‘Jesus’, certain there’s at least a decent chance that Jesus isn’t the entirely wrong answer, even if it isn’t exactly what the...
Life Together in Community
The time has come for me to measure the cultural sophistication of my new congregation. I think I can do it with a simple question. Here it is: “How many of you know Michael Scott?” Raise your hand. For those of you who sit in the land of cultural darkness and do not...
“Good News for All People” (Matthew 2: 1-12)
Good News for All Peopleby: Dr. Mike Ruffin (guest preacher) God sent Jesus to Israel. It would have been easy for the early Jewish Christians to conclude from that fact that God had sent Jesus only to Israel. After all, Jesus had pretty much confined his ministry to...